


Why is it so easy to disregard this thing? Low-to-no expectations, I suspect. I know that no one is reading, which makes it easier to let the whole project be forgotten. So what are the choices?

I could simply let it die after all this time. I could try to attract my old reader base back. I could look for ways to bring in new readers.

The first option is tempting. It's an easy out. No expectations means no repercussions for failure. I'm only letting myself down, right? Consider it.

Option two is also an easy out. No one would check in, regardless of where or how I made this announcement. The same flagging interest would take hold, and I'm right back to either letting this die or forcing my own hand with new readership.

Option three? Option three...


The Ragged Edge

When did my life flip completely away from my expectations? If I had seen this 5 years ago, I'm not sure I would have been thrilled about it. I haven't thought much about where I am in relation to where I was, but the juxtaposition is alarming.

Maybe this is just me being an idiot again.


Simple Pleasures

Why is arguing with Amanda more relaxing than sitting by myself?


The Worst Intentions

Sometimes the things I see in the inner workings of my job confound and frustrate me beyond belief. I know that there are inherent issues with financing that come with the Information Age, but sweet staggering fuck do some of the Byzantine processes seem to be deliberately designed to molest people beyond the point of reason.